SWOC Analysis of College

Institutional Strength


  1. The selection of the faculty through Uttarakhand State Public Service
  2. More than 90% of the faculty holds MPhil/PhD
  3. Student-teacher ratio is about 44 : 1.
  4. Teachers deputed for Orientation and Refresher courses, Seminars, Workshops and Conferences are updated on the changing trends in education and related
  5. Staff/ student feedback are considered for quality
  6. Timely internal student
  7. Focus on student centric participatory and interactive learning through assignments, seminars, projects
  8. Transparent online admission
  9. Library with good collection of books and facilities of computer based distribution system and e- Granthalaya,
  10. Promoting programs to cater human values, social sensitiveness, self-reliance, National Integration
  11. An IQAC is there for quality enhancement of education and encouraging students to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular
  12. Pollution-free and eco-friendly green and clean
  13. Energy saving initiatives like promoting the use of LEDs and solar
  14. The examination process is conducted strictly and totally insulated with secrecy of all confidential
  15. NSS Camp, Rovers Rangers camps, blood donation camp, rallies (Aids awareness, Anti dowry, Anti-tobacco, National Integrations), philanthropic activities and outreach programs to empower the marginalized and
  16. Liberal fee concessions and scholarships to enable the poor and marginalized sections of the society to enter the mainstream of social
  17. Placement Cell for entrepreneurial and placement opportunities
  18. Tablets for second and third year and P.G. students


Institutional Weakness


  1. Inadequate infrastructural
  2. There is inadequate non- teaching
  3. Transfer of faculty/staff between the academic
  4. Poor economic background of the students and of the
  5. Poor knowledge base and weak language skills pose a great challenge since it takes away the precious time meant to transact the present curriculum.
  6. Inadequate
  7. Lesser autonomy in curriculum
  8. Inadequate research and interdisciplinary



Institutional Opportunity


  1. Research and consultancy
  2. During COVID, several webinars and online courses conducted by faculty members have presented lucrative opportunities for students and faculty .
  3. Encouraging students for competitive examinations and higher
  4. Encouraging more collaboration for study and research at national
  5. Students have excellent opportunities to explore and participate in outreach programs for the local
  6. Special in-house Sports Training Facilities to students aspiring for a career in
  7. Introduction of add on programs like IT skill enhancement, Journalism and Mass communication, e-commerce can definitely enhance the employability.


Institutional Challenge


  1. Being a new institution, the Alumni input and support in terms of academics and personal presence is
  2. Mushrooming of private universities in the
  3. Keeping pace with fast changing
  4. 100% paperless
  5. First generation learners and poor education background of the parents prevent even the high achievers from moving out for higher levels of learning or
  6. Execution of collaborations with various
  7. Bureaucracy and slow decision making process of the parent University
  8. Students largely focus on exam oriented tasks and encouraging self-learning process among them is a challenge